Austerity book search site Penny Books finds books priced at one penny

Austerity book search site Penny Books finds books priced at one penny

This rather fabulous website does just one thing: it lets people find books that are on sale for just one penny online.

Austerity book search site Penny Books finds books priced at one penny

Created by coder Andy Walpole and using data from, the site lets users type in a book title or topic they’re interested in, and pressing ‘find books’ will take you an amazon listing

If there are no results found, the website rather quaintly offers this message:

There are no books available for your penny search.
Please use your local library instead.

Describing the site as a  “quirky book search engine that uses the Amazon API to find books which are on sale for one penny,” Walpole has taken the time to explain in some techie detail how it all works.

See if you can get lucky with a one penny book search here:  Penny Books.

About mike s


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