webOS hacker gets Doom to play on the Palm Pre

webOS hacker gets Doom to play on the Palm PreWith its  latest firmware update to webOS 1.3.5, Palm included a software library called SDL (or Simple Directmedia Layer) which grants low level hardware access to developers – which is perfect for accelerated 3D graphics.

Super-spoddy webOS hacker zsoc was quick to see the potential, and swiftly put  together a working port of the legendary shoot em up Doom, which runs within a card in Palm’s multi-tasking webOS.

Everything works as it should, with full keyboard controls, although a fair bit of techie knowledge is needed right now to get the game up and running.

No doubt this will change as the hack gets refined, but for those of you fearful of delving into naked code (and long suffering UK users still waiting for the 1.3.5 update), here’s a video of Doom in action – and it looks silky smooth to our eyes!


About mike s

Editor, wirefresh.com

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One Comment on “webOS hacker gets Doom to play on the Palm Pre”

  1. I would have preferred any one of those robots to the horrible teachers I had at school.

    Be cool if they could dispense instant justice, Terminator-style to errant children.

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