Japanese boffins show off decision making robot. Humans look worried

Japanese boffins show off decision making robot. Humans look worried

Japanese researchers are developing a robot that can think, learn and act by itself using advanced artificial intelligence which lets it ‘think like humans’ when taking on new tasks.

Japanese boffins show off decision making robot. Humans look worried

The clever clogs robot is capable of adapting its behaviour to changing circumstances, and making educated guesses about new challenges using the cool sounding ‘self-organising incremental neural network’ (SOINN).

All swivelling robo-action

Developed by the Tokyo Institute of Technology, the sleek humanoid robot comes with  a head, cameras, two arms, and swivels about a desk, with a slightly superior look on its cold, unfeeling mush.

The super-smart SOINN system lets the robot filter useful out sensory data from background noise, and – rather incredibly – also search the Internet to look up the experiences of other robots for knowledge.

In the video below, you can see the bot working stuff out for itself, although the tasks are fairly simple for now.

But when we’re all asleep, don’t be surprised if it’s not back on the internet chatting to your PC, your smartphone and quite probably your toaster, planning dark, devilish acts with its robo-pals.