Mercedes Benz creates the invisible car to befuddle passers by

Mercedes Benz creates the invisible car to befuddle passers by

Keen to come up with a cunning way to promote their new zero emissions F-Cell car, the clever clogs at Mercedes Benz got thought-clouding and dreamt up the idea of making it invisible.

Although it’s not quite as effective as a Klingon invisibility cloak, the optical camouflage technology certainly catches the eye, thanks to the use of hundreds of sheets of LEDs placed on the car, fed by a signal from a digital SLR camera mounted on the opposite side of the vehicle.

Images captured on the passenger side of the car are displayed on the LEDs covering the driver side, giving the impression of a ‘see through’ vehicle.

It’s not perfect but it sure looks like a whole load of fun (even if it must break every Health & Safety rule ever written).