IKEA release a hundred cats into their store [video]

IKEA release a hundred cats into their store

We’ve no idea why anyone came up with the daft idea of releasing a hundred domestic cats into an IKEA store in Wembley, England, but we think we like it.

The video shows a stampede* of cats being released into the IKEA superstore, with a camera crews capturing the cats rambling around the store, backed by infra red footage for the out of the way places.

Why did they do it?

Chris Brown, animal hander: “It’s unpredictable, and that’s why we’re doing it.”

An IKEA branded person added, “The whole point of the idea is… interesting.”

A more cynical comment came from YouTube user 1ucasvb, who probably got it spot on.

Marketing Guy 1: We need to make this one go viral, folks. We need ideas.

Marketing Guy 2: I know! We’ll just use cats. The Internet *loves* cats.

Marketing Guy 1: Brilliant!

*Oh, and we weren’t sure what the collective noun for cats was, so we looked it up:

clowder    of    cats
clutter    of    cats
glaring    of    cats
pounce    of    cats
dout    of    cats (house cats)
nuisance    of    cats (house cats)
kendle    of    cats (kittens)
kindle    of    cats (kittens)
litter    of    cats (kittens)