Opera Mobile for Android thundering over them thar hills

Opera Mobile for Android thundering over them thar hills

The folks at Opera have announced that they will be releasing a full fat version of Opera Mobile for Android phones within a month.

Set to be made available for all Android versions, the shiny new Opera Mobile browser will pack Hardware Acceleration and Pinch to zoom which will combine to apparently introduce the “next generation of mobile browsing.” How exciting!

Here’s the bods at Opera to explain wha’g’wan an’ t’ing:

What is Hardware Acceleration?
Hardware Acceleration allows Opera Mobile to run at lightning speed. Navigating a page will be faster than ever, and the improvements to the UI will be momentous. All this is made possible by taking full advantage of the power available on your phone. Hardware Acceleration allows us to do amazing things like full pinch to zoom for all sites. It also allows us to have a more fluid interaction with the phone, improving your browser experience!

What is Pinch to Zoom?
The current versions of Opera Mobile and Opera Mini have two levels of zoom. One for the full page width and one for zooming in to read the text. With Pinch to Zoom you will be able to choose your own level of zoom just like in Opera Desktop. Text will now be rendered at a per character level and zooming in will be a fluid zoom from page-width down to the text you want to focus on.

Opera haven’t announced a launch date yet, but say that Opera Mobile for Android will be shoulder barging into Android Market – and be available from m.opera.com – within a month.’

[Opera blog]

About mike s

Editor, wirefresh.com

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