Vodafone get bitten by Twitter as protesters take over competition page

Vodafone get bitten by Twitter as protesters take over competition page

Sometimes, social media can bite back at the corporates trying to take advantage of it, and a particularly splendid example can be seen with Vodafone’s hideously backfiring Twitter campaign.

The company were running a competition through Twitter for the best tweet containing the hashtag #mademesmile, with all tweets automatically published on the competition homepage.

Tax dodgers?

Campaigners protesting about Vodafone’s alleged £6bn tax dodge soon caught wind of the competition and responded by filling up the page with tweets containing anti-tax avoidance messages.

Vodafone hastily removed the entire Twitter stream from the page, but now it’s back up and it seems that there’s still no shortage of  folks keen to remind the company of their alleged tax-dodging activities.

Here’s some examples below – check out the #mademesmile Twitter stream for more.

Vodafone get bitten by Twitter as protesters take over competition page

Vodafone get bitten by Twitter as protesters take over competition page

Vodafone get bitten by Twitter as protesters take over competition page

About mike s

Editor, wirefresh.com

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