Apple releases snappy iPad video, parody follows swiftly in its wake

Apple releases snappy iPad video, parody follows swifty in its wake

Apple has knocked out another of their slick adverts, this time bestowing fresh superlatives in its iPad device, only for a parody version to appear within hours of its release.

Describing the upmarket tablet as “delicious,” “current,” “learning” (?), “playful, “literary,” “artful,” “friendly,” “productive,” “scientific” and, err, “magical,” Apple’s glossy video shows lots of cool stuff going on, including the ubiquitous arty finger-sketch (which would be beyond 99.9999% of its users).

Check it out below:

Another viewpoint

Keen to offer an alternative viewpoint, a parody video swiftly popped up on YouTube, using the same video but replacing the words.

Instead, the overlaid words offer a different angle on the iPad, with captions saying, “curated,” “indulgent,” “limited,” “flashy,” “censored,” “trivial,” “superficial,” “closed,” “elementary,” and “entirely under our control.”

If it hasn’t been already blasted off the air by Apple’s ever-eager lawyers, check it out below and see which you prefer: