We Are The Future – hideous marketing promo backfires spectacularly

We Are The Future - hideous marketing promo backfires spectacularly

PHD Global, a self styled “global media network” thought it would be a whizzo idea to show off their marketing prowess and insider know-how by creating a video called, “We Are The Future” showing how they felt that the next generation might engage with brands.

Here PHD explains the idea behind the video, which uses children spouting scripted marketing messages throughout:

We made projections on what the media landscape could be like in ten years (based on what we are seeing now) and thought it may be interesting to get the next generation to voice it.

So the viewer is confronted by children in their early teens telling today’s marketing community what they will need to do to up their game.

It is a provocation and an invitation to the marketing industry to comment (and hopefully debate).

We Are The Future - hideous marketing promo backfires spectacularly

Shot in the foot

We’re sure all that sounded great on the Caramel Macchiato fuelled  flip-chart walkthrough, but in reality the exercise backfired miserably, with hundreds of negative comments filling up their YouTube page.

We all know marketeers like to put a spin on negatives, but even this slippery bunch may have trouble emerging unscathed from user comments like this:

I feel so relieved. Here I was, worried about global warming, increasing natural disasters, the increased violence that accompanies political partisanship and the rise in religious fundamentalism – but now I know that this generation of entitled shits are going to take all that in the face. Dear children, the future is yours – and you’re entirely welcome to it.

Whoever’s responsible for this need to ‘blue sky’ their way out of their own rectums!
infact i’d like to print out the entire script, track down the exec who greenlighted this holocaust of bum rubbish, burn it in front of them and blow the ashes up his/her arse with a trumpet.

This is absolutely disgusting. How dare you pretend to empower young people with capitalist values.
I am honestly feeling sick for the future of mankind right now after seeing this video which only promotes consumerism, selfishness, capitalism and ultimately…DEBT

The makers of this vid really need to resign in shame.

I want to vomit.

Here’s the video. Get the barf bag ready!

[PHD] [Via]

About mike s

Editor, wirefresh.com

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