Foursquare goes bananas in 2010 with 6m users registering 381m check-ins

Foursquare hits 6m users registering 381m check-ins for 2010

Foursquare has just stumped up some fairly staggering stats showing off their massive growth over 2010, with the company notching up 6 million registered users, while growing 3,400 percent in terms of check-ins.

Muchos check ins

All those users contributed to a whopping total of 381,576,305 check-ins during 2010, and to show off their growing popularity, the company has rolled out a natty infographic.

Foursquare hits 6m users registering 381m check-ins for 2010
Click graphic for full size image

The infographic shows off the most popular check in venues, with Terminal 5 in NY proving the #1 music venue, MOMA the #1 museum and Union Square greenmarket being the most popular in the ‘food and drink’ category.

Are you for Foursquare?

We’ve been giving Foursquare a good go and are still, frankly, failing to get much out of it.

Foursquare’s demographic remains predominately American though, and New Yorkers travelling to London will probably be disappointed at the lack of Foursquare action going down at many popular locations.

Most London venues will just give you a funny look if you go up and announce that you’re the ‘major’ and very few pubs and restaurants have signed up to offer deals for users.