AKG K450 portable headphone review: great sound, great price at under £75

AKG K450 portable headphone review

If in-ear headphones aren’t making enough of a fashion statement for you, there’s a growing number of portable on-ear headphones available, even if many seem more preoccupied with syle than sound.



One set of headphones that definitely delivers in the sound department are the AKG K450s, a keenly-priced,  award-winning pair of portable headphones that look good and sound even better.

AKG K450 portable headphone review

The headphones manage to be reasonable compact to carry about too, thanks to their ingenious folding arms, and twisting earcups which let them fold flat into the included compact carry case.

Conveniently, there’s a single cable feeding in to the headphones (rather than cables from both sides) so there’s less battling with wires to contend with, and the cans fit comfortably on the noggin, thanks to the soft ear cushions and ergonomic fit of the headband.

A nice touch is the detachable cable, so that it can be replaced when, inevitably, some great heffalump stands on the lead and breaks it.

AKG K450 portable headphone review


Sound isolation

Thanks to the thickness of the cushions sound isolation is pretty good, so you’ll be less likely to annoy fellow passengers with the familiar “Tssh Tscch” sound of leaky headphones.

Great sound

Slapping the headphones on and firing up some lively tunes rewarded us with a crisp, punchy sound that delivered well in the bass department.

The sound was fluid, fast and dynamic, with lots of detail, with the AKG-450s reproducing the highs and lows with aplomb. These really are exceptional headphones and well worth the asking price of around £70.

There’s an added extra for smartphone users in the shape of the matching HA450 Communications Kit,, which adds an inline remote and mic for around £30.

Buy the AKG K450 Headphones on Amazon


4 starhalf star – Sound quality
4 starhalf star – Build
4 star – Features
4 star – Value for money
5 star – Overall